If you have scheduled your Breast Augmentation Consultation Appointment with Dr. Melinda Haws and Dr. Mary Gingrass please download, review, complete and bring this document: Making Quality Decisions About Primary Breast Augmentation Surgery with you for your appointment. Feel free to call our office at (615)467-6777 if you have any questions!
What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation surgery uses implants to enhance the shape and size of a woman’s breasts. An elective surgery in which women have their own individual motives for pursuing, patients generally choose treatment to enhance the contours of their body to correct loss of volume following pregnancy or weight loss, to make their breasts symmetrical, as well as other personal reasons. With breast enhancement, the bust line can be increased by one or more cup sizes.
The types of breast implants include silicone, saline, and Motiva®. While no two patients are the same, and each procedure is tailored to meet their particular needs, most surgeons do have one goal or perspective in mind regarding surgery results: to create a pleasing and natural breast profile. Further, it’s important for the patients to feel completely satisfied post-surgery.
About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Are you currently unhappy with the size and/or shape of your breasts? If you are, cosmetic surgery could be for you. Women from all walks of life pursue this type of procedure. From weight loss to pregnancy and hereditary constraints, individual patients have their own needs for surgery.
In your initial consultation, you will be asked a range of questions, allowing our plastic surgeons to better assess your needs and medical history, with topics including why you want surgery, what you’re hoping to gain, and any previous medical conditions or treatments. This consultation will also give your doctor adequate time to become familiar with your general health, examine and measure your breasts, take appropriate photographs, and inform you of your options regarding the augmentation.
Particularly, the following factors will be considered during this consultation:
- The size, shape, and type of implant (i.e. silicone, saline, or Motiva®)
- The implant placement (i.e. partially/ completely under the chest muscle or breast tissue)

If you are unsure or confused about these specific factors regarding your surgery, there is no need to worry – the board certified plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville are here to help and guide you. The goal of this consultation is to ensure you feel comfortable, informed, and prepared for the breast augmentation.
Your surgery will be performed with general anesthesia. During the procedure, frequently known as the augmentation mammoplasty, your doctor will place implants into the natural breast pocket, making an incision in the bottom crease of the breast. The incision will then be stitched closed, but only after the implant has been properly adjusted for desired shape and size. Bandages, tape, and gauze may be applied for support, or to help assist with healing.
Treatment requires an hour to complete, with an additional four to five hours spent at the surgery center for recovery. Most patients are not required to stay overnight following the surgery, unless an unforeseen complication occurs, which is extremely rare.
Meet the Doctors
Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!
Meet the Doctors
Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!
After Breast Augmentation Surgery
Following surgery at the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville in Tennessee, your surgeon and our staff will monitor your progress. In order to remove excess fluid, drainage tubes may be inserted and kept in place for several days. It’s common to feel tired and sore after surgery, but you should be mobile in one to two days. Any post-surgery pain can be controlled with prescription medication.
Within a few days, the gauze and surgical dressings will be removed, at which time you can change to a sports bra if you prefer. Any sutures that do not dissolve on their own will be removed within seven to ten days. It’s important to know that during the first two weeks after your surgery, you may experience a burning sensation in the nipples. However, this feeling will subside as post-surgical bruising begins to fade. When implants are placed under the breast gland, swelling may persist for three to five weeks. Swelling is also likely when breast implants are placed under the muscle.
It’s necessary for recovering patients to get plenty of rest post-surgery and to avoid any type of strenuous activity, including exercise. For the best results, individuals should slowly ease back into their normal, daily routines.
After breast augmentation, consider the following:
- Patients can (and should) still have regular mammogram screenings
- Silicone implant patients should regularly be checked for ruptures
- Future pregnancies or weight change can affect surgery results
- The aging process will not stop, meaning breast tissue will change
Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery
Most patients return to work after a few days, depending on the amount of activity their job requires. During the first two to three weeks, your breasts will be very sensitive to direct stimulation. If your breasts are no longer sore after three to four weeks, then breast contact should be fine. However, no heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling with the upper body is recommended for at least two weeks. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville, we also discourage any activity that causes an increase in your heart rate or blood pressure for the first two weeks.
After implant placement, the surgical scars will appear pink and firm for six weeks. The surgical scars may appear to widen or remain the same size for several months. They will eventually fade, though they will not disappear completely. If you should experience any serious complications during your recovery period, contact our Nashville, Tennessee office to speak with one of our specialists.
Potential Risks During Breast Augmentation Surgery
At the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville, we achieve excellent results and complete patient satisfaction. Yet, as with any other type of surgery, there are a number of potential risks.
One of the more common complications is capsular contracture, which occurs when the capsule, or scar around a breast implant tightens, causing the breast to feel abnormally hard. This condition is treatable. Other infrequent, yet possible complications, include oversensitive or numb nipples.
There is a chance that a breast implant will break. If a saline breast implant leaks or breaks, the implant will drain completely within a few hours, and your body will absorb the salt water harmlessly. If a silicone gel-filled implant breaks, you may not detect the leak if the scar tissue around the breast implant remains intact. If the scar tissue does break or tear, however, the silicone gel may migrate into the surrounding tissue. If a saline or silicone implant breaks, contact our office in Nashville, Tennessee to speak with a surgeon.
Some patients experience arthritis-like symptoms. As of now, researchers have found no clear link between symptoms of connective-tissue disorders and silicone breast implants. The FDA is currently conducting further studies on the matter.
Though current evidence does not show a link between breast augmentation surgery and breast cancer, prosthetics can alter the way a mammography is performed in order to detect breast cancer. Trained radiologists will need to perform special displacement techniques.
Further, following surgery, changes in the implant may also occur, such as the size or shape or the breast implant. Over time, implants can harden, develop ripples, or shift in position, resulting in the need for surgery. However, when surgery is performed by a qualified, experienced, and reliable doctor, the procedure is not only safe but yields long-lasting results.
Schedule a Consultation
Ready to book your procedure with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your aesthetic journey!
What type of implant is right for you?
Over the last 14 years, many studies have been conducted on silicone gel. The FDA has determined that silicone gel breast implants are safe and effective for use in augmentation and reconstruction. Now, women over the age of 22 can choose what type of implant they prefer.
At the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville, we also offer the highly cohesive gel (known as “gummy bear implants”). While these do have many advantages, there are a few potential drawbacks to this popular choice. For example, the cohesive gel variety is more expensive than saline, and scars are typically larger. Cohesive gel implants also have the added risks of shifting and distortion.
Again, during your initial consultation with your doctor, you can discuss the different types of implants, and which option would be best for your needs and goals.
Learn More
To learn more about our cosmetic surgery office in Nashville, Tennessee or to speak with a breast augmentation surgeon, contact The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville today. If you’re ready to schedule your consultation you can set up an online appointment here.
Frequently Asked Questions: Breast Augmentation Nashville, TN
Since breast augmentation is a personalized surgery, the cost of the procedure can vary significantly. For example, for patients who need a breast lift with implants, the procedure will cost more. We will provide a personalized estimate during your consultation.
There is often mild discomfort associated with plastic surgery, but we have many tools to make your breast augmentation in Nashville, TN more comfortable. Both over-the-counter and prescription pain medications are available to reduce discomfort while you heal. You should not experience extreme pain during your recovery; most patients report minimal pain and discomfort.
Modern breast implants are strong and durable. We expect that you’ll be able to enjoy your implants for years or possibly even decades. If complications with your implants arise, you can have them treated with breast revision surgery or implant removal.
Our surgeons have received renown throughout the greater Nashville area for their beautiful breast surgery results. Our exceptional outcomes come from working closely with patients to determine goals and create a plan. We also carefully screen each patient to ensure breast augmentation is a safe and effective option. Schedule a consultation to find out if you’re a good candidate for this procedure.
The key choice is saline versus silicone implants. Drs. Gingrass and Haws use both, but they generally recommend silicone over saline for more natural-looking results. Saline is also at higher risk for rippling or wrinkles.
Saline implants are recommended after eighteen, and silicone implants are not recommended until at least twenty-two. We recommend a woman’s body is fully developed before she considers breast surgery and that her emotional maturity can handle the procedure.
Can your body reject breast implants years later?
Breastfeeding is possible with breast implants. There may be times when a mother’s milk supply is affected, but she should be able to produce milk after breast augmentation.
Following a breast augmentation, breasts will feel supple and soft like natural tissue. Most patients agree that silicone implants feel the most like natural breast tissue.
Breast implant size and shape should be measured by how it fits your body type and shape. Although 300-500cc are the most common implant size ranges, it’s vital that you and your surgeon select an implant that will complement your unique figure.
Choosing the correct size of breast implants is a unique decision that requires a discussion with your board-certified plastic surgeon. There are many factors that influence what size of implants you should choose, including lifestyle, current breast size, quality of breast tissue, and your unique goals. Be sure to review breast augmentations from your doctor’s before and after gallery during your consultation.
For the first four to six weeks following breast augmentation, you should sleep on your back you’re your head slightly elevated to reduce pressure on your chest and minimize swelling. Most women wait at least two to three months before sleeping on their stomachs after breast augmentation.
We recommend that you don’t shower for forty-eight hours after surgery. Then shower with your back to the water flow to avoid direct water pressure on the incisions. Also, keep the incisions covered with surgical tape during your showers.
Restrict arm movement for three days after breast augmentation surgery. Don’t move them or jerk them suddenly. Afterward, you can lift them, but refrain from lifting heavy weights or strenuous exercises for about four to six weeks or until you receive the okay from your surgeon.
A breast augmentation will typically increase your amount of cleavage. However, many factors affect how prominent your cleavage will be after surgery, and we’ll discuss these with you during your consultation.
While your implants may seem high immediately after surgery, you can expect them to settle into place over time. As a stand-alone procedure, a breast augmentation will address size, shape, and firmness. However, this surgery does not elevate your breasts to a higher spot on the chest wall the same way a breast lift can do.
A breast lift is a procedure designed to reshape and reposition sagging breasts. If your breasts appear deflated and your nipples fall below your natural breast creases, your surgeon will recommend pairing an augmentation with a lift.
Breast augmentation is an outpatient surgery, which means you can return home after you wake up in our recovery area and all your vital signs are stable. The final step in completing a breast surgery is to wrap your breasts in gauze dressing and an elastic band. You can remove these one to two days after surgery and switch to wearing a surgical support bra 24 hours a day for three to four weeks. Your breasts will be swollen, bruised, and may feel numb. You can relieve any discomfort with oral pain medication.
Typically, patients return to their workout routine after completely healing from surgery. It takes about six weeks. But listen to your body when you resume exercising. Start slowly and gradually work your way up.
Proper preparation for your breast augmentation consultation is crucial. You may wish to ask a friend or family member to accompany you to the plastic surgeon’s office to pick up on anything you may have missed. Bring a list of questions to ask and any concerns you may have about surgery or recovery.
Do plenty of research to vet potential surgeons. Are they well-educated and trained? Are they board-certified? How long have they been doing breast surgery? Have they provided before-and-after pictures to review? Will they perform your procedure in an accredited surgical facility?
There are several instructions to follow before you go into surgery. These include getting medical tests (blood work, etc.), preparing your home for recovery, and avoiding blood thinners like aspirin, omega-3 supplements, and ibuprofen. Also, arrange for a responsible adult to take you to the surgery center and back.
Breast implants are available in silicone and saline. Most women choose silicone because they say it looks and feels more natural. The FDA recommends women with silicone implants get MRI screening every two to three years to detect a potential rupture.
During your consultation, you should trust your plastic surgeon to guide you to the right implant type, shape, and size. Different factors contribute to your choice, including your body type, your desired cosmetic goals, and your lifestyle.