Body lift surgery eliminates excess skin from the arms, thighs, abdomen, and back. It often combines multiple procedures, so the timeline and severity of recovery vary between patients and procedures. Before your operation, your Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville surgeon will discuss the process in detail, including what to expect while you heal, tips for managing discomfort, and how to ensure an optimal outcome.
To help you prepare for your body lift, we provide critical information to help you fully understand the procedure. The following are seven essential topics that will give you insight into what to expect from your body lift recovery.
Overview of Body Lift Surgery
You might consider getting a body lift if you have lost significant weight and have excessive skin on your midsection, buttocks, thighs, hips, and abdomen. The best candidates for body lift surgery are at a stable weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
How Does a Body Lift Work?
A body lift addresses multiple areas to improve your overall shape and tone. We will remove the excess skin and fatty tissue remaining after weight loss. We may also use liposuction to remove localized fat deposits your weight loss regimen left behind. However, liposuction alone can’t improve the appearance of sagging skin.
A body lift can be a single surgery or scheduled as multiple procedures. Drs. Haws or Gingrass will recommend the appropriate approach.
Benefits and Risks of Body Lift Surgery
A body lift can reduce excess skin and localized fat to achieve your sculpting goals and remove skin folds. The procedure supports an active lifestyle, making it easier for you to continue your weight loss journey.
Possible complications associated with surgery include infection, fluid buildup, delayed healing, deep vein thrombosis, and scarring. Minimize these risks by choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.
What Happens During a Body Lift?
First, your surgeon will mark incision sites on your natural skin folds to minimize visible scarring. While you are resting under anesthesia, your surgeon will trim away excess skin and perform liposuction, if necessary, to enhance the contouring. We will administer antibiotics before and after surgery.
A single-session body lift is an extensive surgery, so you should expect four to six weeks of recovery. The following provides more information about the healing process.
What Happens During Body Lift Recovery?
Recovering from body lift surgery will likely be a lengthy process involving aftercare instructions and follow-up appointments. The process begins once you wake up in our recovery room with your surgical sites covered in bandages and compression garments.
Drs. Haws and Gingrass are body lift experts and will provide in-depth details about your recovery process before your operation. This information will include the following.
How to Prepare for Body Lift Surgery
Preparation is essential before any surgery, especially one as involved as a body lift. Here is a list of instructions to follow:
- Quit smoking at least six weeks beforehand to promote healing.
- Avoid blood-thinning medications. They can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising during and after surgery.
- Drink two to three liters of water daily.
- We may ask you to lose additional weight or make lifestyle changes for the best outcome.
- Arrange to have a responsible adult drive you home post-surgery. You cannot drive a vehicle until your mobility improves and you are no longer taking prescription pain medication.
- Arrange for someone to help you around the house for at least the first week after your body lift procedure. You may need assistance with chores and daily hygiene.
- Stock up on groceries. Prepare a recovery room with nearby essentials like meds, reading material, and remote control.
- Make and freeze nutritious, low-sodium meals before surgery.
- Have plenty of clean, comfortable clothing like loose-fitting pajamas, robes, and T-shirts.
- Prepare a hospital bag – comfortable clothes, a phone charger, slippers, toiletries, snacks, and a water bottle.
- Get all the necessary lab tests your surgeon requires in advance. Keep an extra copy on hand.
- Collect emergency contact numbers and resources and give them to at least one friend or family member.
The Initial Days After Body Lift Surgery
You will wake up from surgery in a recovery room, but once you are stable, your nurses will take you to a hospital room. It is normal to feel exhausted during the first few hours. Nurses will tend to your needs and prescribe antibiotics and pain meds as necessary.
Depending on how extensive your operation is, you will spend one to two days at the hospital for observation. Your drains will remain in place for five to 15 days before we remove them during a follow-up visit.
After a thigh or lower-body lift, you must sleep with your head elevated to 45 degrees and your knees bent.
The first day after your surgery will be mostly bed rest. Afterward, the nurses will help you use the toilet and wash or shower according to your surgeon’s protocols. Short walks are OK at this stage.
After we discharge you from the hospital, we will provide the following post-operative care instructions:
- Take the prescribed course of antibiotics to prevent infection and the pain meds to manage discomfort.
- Follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions regarding showering, activities, and resting.
- You must wear your compression garments continuously, except when bathing, until your surgeon clears you to stop.
- We will schedule a follow-up appointment to remove your drains. You will need to measure the amount of fluid drained every day.
Managing Pain and Discomfort During Body Lift Recovery
Surgical technology and equipment continue to evolve. Of course, we will take every step to minimize pain after your body lift procedure, but it is impossible to have such an extensive surgery without some degree of discomfort during recovery.
We strive to perform every operation precisely, hoping to minimize significant scarring and pain. While some discomfort is likely, it should be manageable and diminish quickly during recovery. The pain level is subjective, as various factors can influence the amount of post-surgical discomfort.
We will prescribe medication for pain control. However, once your discomfort lessens, please stop taking your prescriptions and switch to over-the-counter Tylenol. Do not exceed 4,000 mg of Tylenol in any 24 hours. Take medication with food to minimize the risk of nausea.
Post-Operative Body Lift Care Instructions
You will play an essential role in your body lift recovery. Here are the post-operative care instructions you should follow to ensure optimal results.
Body Position
If your body lift involves tightening the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin from the abdomen, buttocks, hips, and back, you will experience difficulty sitting for at least two weeks. The tightness will gradually diminish as you progressively use your muscles for daily living. Please don’t stretch or bend down during the initial two or three weeks of recovery. In addition, stand up and walk around your house every few hours to reduce the risk of blood clots.
After surgery, we will place compression garments on your incisions to stabilize the surgical sites and reduce swelling. Please wear this garment continuously for two to three weeks after surgery except when showering or bathing. If it causes discomfort, remove it and call our office.
Post-Surgical Sutures and Tape
We will place surgical tape around your incisions, which we will remove and replace during the first month of recovery. If you have sutures around your navel, we’ll take them out five to seven days after surgery. The removal of any other sutures will happen in the following weeks.
Showering and Bathing
We suggest sponge bathing until we give you the clear to shower or take a bath.
Drains help discharge excess fluid, speeding the healing process. We place a bulb at the end of each tube that will compress to create gentle suction. The bulb expands as the fluid drains.
Whenever the bulb expands more than half, empty it by opening the plug at the top and pouring out excess fluid. Monitor fluid levels and report if draining fluid exceeds a healthy amount.
Post-Surgical Activities
Body lifts have a prolonged recovery with significant activity restrictions. Two weeks after your procedure, you can resume moderate walks. Please refrain from heavy lifting or intense workouts that can put pressure on your incisions and prolong swelling. Always listen to your body and rest when you feel fatigued.
Exposure to Sunlight
We recommend you protect your scars from the sun for at least a year after surgery. Even through clothing, sunlight can still reach your skin and cause damage. Always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when going outside and reapply every two hours.
Resuming Daily Activities and Exercise After Body Lift
After body lift surgery, resuming light daily activities will take about two to three weeks. In addition, your surgical drains may be in place for several weeks, limiting mobility.
Most patients can gradually return to their daily routine about six weeks after surgery, but strenuous physical activity can be off-limits for up to six months or longer. During this time, patients should continue to eat a healthy, balanced diet and engage in light, low-impact exercise, like walking. During your recovery, we will closely monitor your progress and tell you when more intense physical activity is safe and appropriate.
Dealing With Swelling and Bruising After a Body Lift
Swelling and bruising are common side effects after body lift surgery, and they can last for several weeks or more. Fluid accumulating in the tissue around your incisions causes swelling, and blood vessels breaking beneath the skin causes bruising. While these effects are not a typical cause for concern, they can cause discomfort and make it difficult to perform certain activities.
Strategies to Manage Swelling and Bruising
Use these tips to manage swelling and bruising and make your recovery more comfortable. It is essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions and call our office immediately with any concerns about your recovery process.
- Use cold compresses: Applying cold compresses or ice packs to the affected area in 15- to 20-minute intervals can reduce swelling and discomfort. For example, you can use a bag of frozen peas or a cold pack from the drugstore. Avoid placing the cold compress directly on your skin, which can cause frostbite. Wrap it in a towel first.
- Elevate the affected area: Elevating the affected area can help reduce swelling by allowing gravity to drain excess fluid away from the site. Try lying down and propping it with pillows, or sit in a chair with your feet up.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing: Tight clothing can pressure your incisions and cause discomfort. Choose loose, lightweight, comfortable clothes that don’t chafe or rub anywhere.
Managing Scarring After a Body Lift
To minimize surgical scarring:
- Wear your support garment and keep dressings in place.
- Limit movement to avoid injuries that could interrupt the healing process.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet consisting of lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Limit sun exposure.
- Take supplements like vitamin E.
Don’t Skip Your Follow-Up Appointments
After extensive surgery like a body lift, attend every scheduled follow-up appointment to ensure the healing process is going as planned. Call us immediately if you experience anything that feels abnormal.
Your recovery appointments take place on a carefully planned timeline. To ensure optimal outcomes, don’t postpone these visits.
The Best Body Lift Surgery in Nashville
With plastic surgery, the recovery period is even more critical than the operation. Drs. Haws and Gingrass have extensive training in helping their patients enjoy ideal results. They also stay engaged throughout the recovery process to ensure you heal as safely, comfortably, and efficiently as possible.
For more information about body lifts, contact our clinic by calling (615) 467-6777 or scheduling a consultation today.